Women of Church

We are Ecclesial women who embrace the fullness of our baptismal identity in a wounded and bruising church. We will be courageous and prophetic risk-takers in the search for healing and wholeness with and for the people of God.

- 2021 Chapter Direction Statement

The Women of Church Committee consults and discusses the integral relationship between Prayer, Ministry and Community with the Sisters. We celebrate our willingness and enthusiasm for collaboration within our local Church and beyond, and the contribution we make in diverse ways, both big and small. We have learned that our charism is alive and well, not owned by us, but God’s gift to the world as we seek to find God in all things.              

Congregational Gathering June 2018

The more ardently we unite ourselves to Christ through a self-surrender involving our whole lives, the more vigorous becomes the life of the Church and the more fruitful our apostolic ministry.

- Constitutions, 2020 #24


The First Five


RSC Companions